Home Improvement
Experience Montpelier, the Capitol of the State of Vermont, rich in history, vitalty, art and culture.
 Summer is a great time to fix up the house, clean out the basement and finish clearing out the backyard woodlands. Sealing up those nooks and crannies to keep out the winter draft is something, as Vermonters, we also know very well. If you need a new roof or if you're about to build a carport , covered breezeway or deck, there's something you should know. Fusing A Roof with Solar﷯ Energy One interesting addition to the spectrum of home improvement is Solar. Instead of hiring a roofer to replace that tired old roof, one may contact Tesla for their latest in solar roofing. Tesla has introduced a new product that fuses two home necessities, a roof and electric power, into one state of the art "Green" and self sustaining solar roof. The roofing panel styles currently available resemble finer quality roof shingles with an additional two styles of solar roofing shingles scheduled to be introduced next year. Current tax credit incentives help ease the bite by 30%, while financing opportunities are available. Finally, Tesla isn't so far away. Solar City, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tesla that performs the administrative and installation work opened a 13,000 square foot location in Burlington, VT in 2015. ...More Vermont's Own Sun Common Sun Common, in Waterbury, VT, is a wholly owned Vermont company that ﷯manufactures and installs solar panels for residential and commercial use. Solar panels may also be used to construct an open covered porch. A 30% tax credit, no money down financing help make solar energy available. Called affordable, Sun Common even brings its solar panels to accompany mobile homes. Finally going solar may not only cover your electric bill, Vermont, as a part of the "grid" allows its residents to reap a profit with at home wind and solar electric generation. ...More






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